It’s best to workout in the morning

I want you to know that I’m preaching to myself as I write this. I’m actually preaching to myself as I write all of my posts because I’m just as committed to my “level up” journey as you are. So let’s get to it…

Exercising first thing in the morning is the best way to lose weight. I know this from experience because I’m a person who has gained and lost 20-40 pounds all of my life. Needless to say, I know a couple of things when it comes to getting the pounds back off.

In case you’re wondering…no I don’t like this yo-yo diet & exercise routine, and I’ve began to work with a health coach to help me sort out my emotional eating and mind drama which leads to the repeated weight gain.

Throughout the many weight loss cycles I’ve experienced thus far, cutting down on my calories, and exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach has burned my fat the fastest. Morning exercise works well for 3 reasons. First, it’s ideal to get your exercise in before the day starts and others are needing your undivided attention. Second, since you will be working out on an empty stomach, your body will reach for your stored fat to fuel your workout. Third, it’s easier to make your workout a habit when you complete it in the mornings because it’s less likely that you will be interrupted. Remember that consistency is more important than intensity.

If you really want to supercharge your weight loss you could add a second workout in the evening. I’ve lost 30lbs in 2 months before with this method. It really works if you’re committed and can stick to the routine.

Other things you could consider adding to your weight loss journey:

  • Sweat belt/ waist trainer

  • Sweet Sweat workout enhancer

  • Green smoothies as meal replacements