The 7 Day Affirmations Journal

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Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome life challenges.

By repeating positive affirmations daily you will start to believe them, and your new beliefs will ultimately lead to positive changes in your life.

As humans, we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. According to research,  98 percent of our thoughts are exactly the same as we had the day before. Even more disturbing, 80 percent of these thoughts we're repeating are negative.

This is why we must fill our minds with the positive, so the negative has no place to reside.

Positive affirmations can help relieve anxiety and stress, improve your self image, or even assist you while healing from a bad break-up.

They can also help us look better, achieve our career goals, and become the best version of ourselves. In order to make big changes you must first believe that you're capable.

The affirmations in this journal will help you build your belief in your abilities and break through any barriers holding you back from your dream life.

Use the journal pages to write additional affirmations and script your future.